"top streamer of the year..." - my mom
"the worste employee i have ever had," - karrot
"um..." - liola, my bigegst fan....
"my favourite person. i will gvie her 100000dollers and my life." - you
heh...........welcome............to the coolest webpage on THE INTERNET....
i ibet yroure wondering who i am....well stupid ia m the GREATEST STREAMER
currently on Youtub.ecom...my name is woozie wannai but OBVIOUSLY eveyrone calls me ANIKI..............i am good at viedo games and i love to sing msuci songs (I AM ALSO A FAMOUSE MUSCLE MAN SO DONT MESS WITH ME....)
"Wat Do You Straeam"viceo games."what is youre favourite food" chicken nuggets."do you have a favourit animal???" yes it is obviousley otters. next question. "who is thegreatest and most beautiful person on you.ttube.." me obviously why woudl u ask me this. "how odl are you,." YOU ASK TOO MANEY STUPID QUESTIONS!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!
p.s just becoz i am 163cm (or 5'3" for u WEIRDOS!!) dose not mean I CANT KICK YOUR BUTT!!!!!!!!! i could beat u up SO EASY WITH MY FISTS!!!! i have named them miki and tortilla chip......
JOST KIDDENG.....i am not actually mean or angery or ready 2 figth u....i am ver yshy....i just pretemnd.....please be my friend i am LONELY.......